I heard the phrase ‘Wonder Woman power pose' recently. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Social psychologist made this popular with her theory on how these poses may lead to hormonal changes that configure your brain to be assertive, confident and comfortable. Read: Your pose helps you deal with stress, anxiety and boosts your confidence and delivery. Some question its scientific validity but what's not to try .....
... feet apart, hands on hip, chin tilted up and do affirmations in front of a mirror!
Speaking affirmations out loud, programs your brain, reinforces your thoughts, reiterates it for your ear so that you hear it, believe it and do it until you become it!
I do it and it is amazing!
A particularly stressful day I wrote the affirmation below .... and repeated it, along with the power pose at multiple times during the day and watched my day transform from what I feared to what I needed..
In another post, I’ll talk a bit about affirmations and how they affect you but today, here's one I did that you maybe could use .. enjoy!
I shall apply myself diligently to accomplish all my priorities today.
I shall not stress about any items that are not completed and will remind myself that they will be prioritized and addressed in the future.
I shall be confident and graceful in everything I do.
I shall bring a dash of joy and confidence to each situation I meet.
I shall handle challenges, conflict and external irritation with grace, calmness, kindness and compassion
My day shall be completely successful and source of joy for me and those around me
I shall break out in spontaneous praise of God at different times today.
I’m all set to WIN ... in every single way... today!!!